Chicken Facts Japan

Chicken Facts Japan

Chickens are the most abused animals on the planet.

In Japan, over 820 million chickens are killed every year. 

The average egg-laying hen in Japan is moved to an egg-laying facility at the age of around four months.  Here, these intelligent and sensitive animals will spend an average of 400-580 days confined in a tiny wire cage, never seeing the light of day until their bodies are worn out, and they are crammed on trucks to the slaughterhouse.  

Around 100 million (1億) male chicks are culled as waste products soon after hatching every year in Japan. Culling methods include suffocation in bags, gassing or shredding.

In Japan, chickens raised for meat lead miserable lives confined in intensive rearing facilities before going to their deaths at around 50 days

Please help end this cycle of unnecessary suffering by choosing vegan products in the supermarket.


The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries accepting public comments on the "Proposed Japanese Agricultural Standards for Processed Foods Suitable for Vegetarians or Vegans"


Fifth General Meeting of the Vege Council Japan